Hello ,anyone to help outline the implementation procedure for cohort builder in bahmni 0.89
Hi @ejustine, please can be more specific with your request? Do you mean how to start contributing to OpenMRS cohort builder?
Hi @ejustine,
Could you please shed more light on this question, I’m a bit confused as to what implementation procedure
I meant, setting up cohort buider for use as a reporting to in the bahmni distribution of openmrs
Hi @dkayiwa, please can you help out here.
@jeiddiah can you and team set up a wiki guide on how to setup and configure the cohort builder open web app that you are building? Then also put up a user’s guide detailing how to use the various tabs to search for cohorts. Finally point @ejustine to it.
Ok @dkayiwa we would work on this, In the mean time @ejustine you can checkout the README.md and update this thread with any issues you encounter while setting up.
Alright let me check it out
@jeiddiah have tried npm run build:prod in link:openmrs-owa-cohortbuilder/README.md at master · openmrs/openmrs-owa-cohortbuilder · GitHub and it keeps showing some error as shown in the screen shot below:
@ejustine please can you create a new file called webpack.config.js and copy the content of webpack.config.sample.js into it.
@jeiddiah in what location should i create that new file? webpack.config.js and how do i get to webpack.config.sample.js Thankyou
@ejustine webpack.config.sample.js is in the base directory of the cohort builder repository, create a new file called webpack.config.js in the same base directory. You should have a folder structure similar to this
@jeiddiah Thankyou have done that and done download from the repo, what should i do next…
@ejustine can you run npm run build:prod.
@jeiddiah have run npm run build:prod but expereincing the same problem. How do i deploy the dowloaded cohort file?
@ejustine please can you get the (present working directory)PWD of the appdata\owa folder in the reference application and replace the content of LOCAL_OWA_FOLDER in your config.json with it.
@jeiddiah With pwd appdata/owa have got /home/openmrs. Which is a little different could it be because of the bahmni distribution am running?
Hi @ejustine, I just tried a fresh install of the module and it works fine on my end, I’ll look into your issues and get back you. However in the mean time a Wiki has been created HERE and also there is an open pull request to update the current installation guide HERE, so please watch this space. thanks.
@jeiddiah i guess the installation was done in the openmrs reference application, then what of the bahmni distribution?
sorry @ejustine I don’t know much about the bahmni distribution, what if you had access to just the ZIP file, would you be able to set it up?