Any help in identifying the cause will be much appreciated.
Also, I noticed that if you edit a value of a concept and then search for it, chart search will display the previous (wich was edited) and the current value (after editing). Is there a way to fix this issue?
I could not reproduce it on my own server. I created similar encounters/observation on a test patient and I could not have the same results. It is linked to a specific patient. Chart search on other test patients does not have the same issue
Regarding the second issue
((Also, I noticed that if you edit a value of a concept and then search for it, chart search will display the previous (which was edited) and the current value (after editing). Is there a way to fix this issue?))
What I did is creating four observations for weight (80, 80, 120, and 100). Then, I have deleted one of them (Wt 120 kg). However, this weight is still showing on chart search.
One more thing: Chart Search Module search for concepts and display them even if you delete them.
What I did yesterday is creating four observations for weight (80, 80, 120, and 100). Then, I have deleted one of them (Wt 120 kg). However, this weight is still showing on chart search. Is this a bug or this can be solved through configuration.
Do you think it is a bug or it is fixable somehow from module configuration?
I tried rebuilding the index, clearing the history of search chart, both didn’t work
what I noticed is that, if you delete the concept prior to using chart search to search for it, it will not show on chart search. Once you search for it and then delete it, it will not show again on search chart.
Unfortunesatly I was not able to assess it on time.
What I did is copy/paste patient ID and clicked clear index but I keep getting this error: Error on pruning patients
Do you mind advising how you cleared it so I test it on my end. thanks @dkayiwa
Hello @dkayiwa I tried clearing the index on the demo server (has search chart module 2.0) and I got null pointer exception
Cannot get property ‘patient’ on null object
I refreshed, Then after that it worked . The deleted data was gone. I cleared the patient using “by max non using time”
Now I tried it on my server (has search chart module 2.1) and I got the following error