Can you give the full detailed error log?
Thanks @dkayiwa The log refers that I had to delete the search history first, then clear the index. I did it and it worked. Is it possible to automate this manual process in anyway?
@dkayiwa One more issue with chart search When you are trying to refine your search, you have several options to choose from : categories, providers, any time, any location. Now these categories are restricted to 24 options. Let explain more, if you have for example more that 24 providers, you will see the first 24 of them and you cannot select any others. There is no scroll down or autocomplete option. in the image below, I have more that 24 providers, search chart display only the first 24 of them. I deleted their names for confidential reasons.
Can you create tickets for these?
it is done here is the link
Any idea bout the other issues created earlier:
Always appreciate your support