challenges in "dispatching medicine"

In the IPD the doctors prescribe medicine and the nurses dispatch it.

The nurses need to have a possibility to view the prescriptions with all details but of course they are not allowed to prescribe them self. I haven’t played with permissions in Bahmni yet, but I assume that should be possible.

While dispatching the medicine the nurses have to take a record of what medicine was dispatched when. E.g. the doctor prescribes 2 tablets twice a day for 10 days. Makes 40 tablets. The nurse dispatches every day 4 tablets and need to tick them off some list (at the moment done in paper). Is there a possibility in Bahmni to say “of this 40 tablets I have given 2 tablets to the patient on the 14.03.2016 at 3PM”

The next challenge is the stock control. In our hospital nursing has its own stock for in-patients. They maintain it themself. So after dispatching the 2 tablets on “14.03.2016 at 3PM” the stock has to be reduced by 2 tablets.

To make it even more complex the stock has donated and paid medicine. If the medicine was donated to us, we do not charge the patient for it. For charging purpose the nurse has to mark if the dispatched medicine was a donated one or a paid one. What could we do for that? Sub stock locations? Or different batches? How can I nurse tell which one was dispatched?


Yes, this is possible.

Right now Bahmni does not this facility. But this is present in our roadmap, but not prioritised .

Because right now there is no Drug Administration feature for nurses in Bahmni, they will have to manually create sales order after dispatching, to manage stock in that particular location. To differentiate between donated and paid medicine, different batches can be used.

Hi, Similar discussions have occurred in a few other forums and offline. As Vinkesh notes, this is not yet prioritized for Bahmni development, but I will make just a few comments:

Your question combines two functions that we have been separating in past OpenMRS discussions:

  1. Dispensing: identifying the stock you are taking from – including donated vs. paid; taking medications from stock; reducing the stock count

  2. Administration: actually putting the medication in the patient’s body, whether it is a pill, injection, or other

You will find, when you get into administration in detail, that there are other considerations, including:

  1. recording that a drug was not given or only partially given at its scheduled time, and why;
  2. giving a variable amount of the drug (when the order is, for example, “1-2 tablets”);
  3. administering drugs that are ordered “PRN” – only in case of symptoms, e.g., paracetamol only if the patient has a headache.

When you are moving into active design, I’d be happy to discuss further – either here, by phone or in a design meeting.


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