Hello all!
We’ve reviewed the applications to host OMRS18 and have concluded there are two incredibly strong applications for what could be an awesome OMRS18 destination! We want your help in choosing the location of this year’s event, so we’ve created a form to help you review the applications and cast your votes.
1. Review our criteria
Just a reminder: As you make your decisions please consider the following set criteria as posted here:
- Significant local OpenMRS community activity (ie, presence of regional community within country, hackathons, longstanding community membership, etc)
- Country helps support long term strategic interests of the OpenMRS community
- Easy physical access (ie, good international airport, liberal visa policies, local transportation)
- Travel and hotel infrastructure suitable to host the meeting
- Safety and stability
- Commitment to OpenMRS as a network, regional, or country level platform for patient-level record keeping (ideally, this commitment would come directly from a country’s MOH or top health leadership)
- Strong local hosting organization with an ability to engage local resources / sponsorship
- Underserved environment.
- Willingness to host OpenMRS clinical site visits
Ultimately, these criteria will be used to determine the final location for the conference.
2. Review the applications
3. Cast your vote before Saturday, 9 June
Thank you for your valuable feedback!