Call for Volunteers - Education Project

As you know, we have been working slowly but surely on Operational Goal # 4 with the goal of developing specific educational materials that can be used to address the multiple educational needs of the OpenMRS community (including technical, implementation and the user community) . We are identifying material, figuring out how to catalog and maintain it, and looking towards the future when we will have an amazing educational resource library.

We need your help for the following:

  • GIve us your feedback on any recent training that you may have attended or developed for OpenMRS

  • Help us identify any links to educational materials or the materials themselves

  • Volunteer to help us review, evaluate for appropriateness for teaching, and help update the identified materials.

We are developing a format for that review that will be available via GoogleDocs. If we can get a few volunteers, no one will have to review too many so the effort won’t take too much time.

Please comment below if you are able to help out, and I will get in touch. Thank you!



@mcropp2019 I am interested

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This is a great initiative and important. Glad to help.


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thanks everyone. I added a proposed unconference session that would focus on Implementer Job Analysis ( an interactive session) to gain insights from the implementers) under the unconference sessions. The information gathered during that session will help inform Goal #4.

Please consider volunteering for this overall Goal, as well as attending the unconference session if it chosen as one of the sessions.

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Thank you! I will be in touch about how we will review materials we already have.

Interested, happy to help!

lots os discussion at OMRS16 where we had an uberconference session about education. Matt who has been running the OpenMRS University is willing to help with the education component overall. . He asked us to make a commitment to getting out the implementers training materials ( generic) by 4/1/17. In addition, there is a link to the notes from the session- check this link …

Art is going to add the email addresses to this uberconference note links so that we can schedule additional calls. I think that there are multiple paths to approach all of the work that is needed ( academic collaboratives; educational materials overall, etc)

we still need to do the ‘job analysis’ for implementers ; i am hopeful that people are interested in participating in this …we need to make a plan on how to go forward.


@terry Am also interested in volunteering.

Dear Mary, I will be glad to volunteer, through reviewing, updating and even using the materials in educating new members.

@mcropp2019 This looks like very useful material especially for the documentation team. Do you have any updates on this project?