AWS Imagine Grant Opportunity: 30 September Deadline

AWS opened the application period for the AWS Imagine Grant Program.

@wanyee and @ibacher both have some ideas that we could consider submitting, including some inspired by @mseaton’s docker deployment work. I’ve set up a [Google document with the Amazon application/narrative outline. Feel free to add your ideas to the Google document or share them via this thread.

Here are some more details about this opportunity from their guidelines:

  • Proposal deadline is 30 September
  • Award would start in early 2021
  • We’re talking about a six-page narrative following Amazon Six-Page Narrative Best Practices
  • Selected organizations can receive the following:
    • Up to $100,000 USD of unrestricted financial support
    • Up to $100,000 USD in AWS Promotional Credit
    • Project kickoff workshop and implementation support from Amazon Web Services (AWS) technical specialist(s)
    • Up to five AWS Training Services Vouchers
    • An opportunity for AWS marketing support

@burke @akanter @hamish @paul @janflowers @grace @dkayiwa @mseaton @mogoodrich @prapakaran


@jennifer Few more points added(yellow color) and happy to draw a sample architecture based on service-based approach which slowly transform cloud centric application. Can you please let us know your comments on this.

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@prapakaran Thanks for adding these ideas!

We are lucky to have a lot of good options. Now we’ll need to hone in on a scope that can be done with the resources awarded through this grant. We might not be able to work all of these ideas in this time - and what we’ll want to do is start with something specific that we can deliver successfully, then use that success to secure additional funding to work on some of these other ideas. I’d much rather be in this position than find ourselves grasping for straws.

@ibacher @akanter @wanyee and @dkayiwa rolled around with these ideas and we decided to move forward and develop a proposal for at least a proof of concept, possibly a pilot/test implementation. @wanyee shared insight into what is happening in East Africa, leading us to believe that there is a good potential to pilot in Kenya and/or Uganda. For more details, check out the recording.

What next? Our aim is to:

  • have a draft by Monday, 28 September,
  • review by SOB 30 September, and
  • submit by 30 September

How to get involved: Our narrative has six sections. @ibacher and I have volunteered to join forces on project design, AWS services + applications and I offered to put in the organizational details that they want up front.

If you want to help write, there are still sections up for grabs and/or content that we need that would strengthen our proposal, such as:

  • Write a clear, concise one-page press release that describes the problem, opportunity, and what you are launching. Use simple language and include a fictional customer quote.
  • Share your current state: help us understand how your country or implementation is currently using the cloud. If there’s something slowing this down, what is it?
  • Help define the impact and outcomes of this work

And we’re definitely interested in having 1-2 people review the draft proposal

Finally, I’m happy to schedule “virtual writing sessions” if you want to help write and need a buddy to help keep focus. :crazy_face:


this is great :100:

What exactly would you like to achieve with the help of this grant? Setup a single PoC implementation in the cloud? What business problem will be solved by this?

I am just asking to help you prepare a better response.

A bigger/more crazy idea: maybe instead just setting up an OpenMRS instance in the cloud (which isn’t anything special) we should think about creating a SaaS service? Something like “OpenMRS Cloud”, where the implementers could setup and start a specific distribution instance in few clicks?

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Great work @jennifer and the team ,
Thanks for making our community awesome

Hi @jslawinski! Those questions are very similar to the ones that the AWS proposal/narrative format encourage us to think through and articulate. The really short answer is to make set up/installation/upgrades easier. I think someone offered up the idea of making different distributions available.

If you read the narrative (at any point in its development) and can’t nail down the answer, then clearly we have some more work to do on the narrative. :slight_smile:

We made the submission deadline! The proposal is now view only.

Here’s what we can expect next - and when:

  • PASSED September 15, 2020 - September 30, 2020: Applications accepted
  • November 15 - 30, 2020: Notification of awards
  • December 2020: Awards distributed
  • January 2021: Grant term begins

Let’s keep our fingers crossed for good news in November.

And many thanks to @ibacher @wanyee @grace @jdick @janflowers for helping me get this over the finish line - this couldn’t have happened without you!


Great work done :slightly_smiling_face: :1st_place_medal:

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great work . thanks

Fantastic job and I hope that we get this fund to improve openMRS.

@jennifer Is there any update from Amazon for the proposal.

Not yet! We should hear something back in the next week or so.