As an implementer, what are your expectations from Bahmni?

Session Title: As an implementer, what are your expectations from Bahmni?

Session Type: Short Unconference Session (small room group discussion, 50 minutes)

Description: This will be a workshop to gather inputs and ideas from OpenMRS implementers. These ideas will then pave way for various features, capabilities, utilities and tools that will be built in and around Bahmni. This should help in reducing the effort in configuring and implementing Bahmni.

I will be providing a quick overview of what it currently takes to implement Bahmni. With some anecdotes from actual implementation sites. Showcase current configuration / admin capabilities. This should set the stage for discussion.

Suggested By: Pankaj Kanchankar from ThoughtWorks

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This topic is currently/preliminarily scheduled as a breakout talk on the following date/time:

AT 5:00pm to 6:00pm, Friday 11th December IN Seminar Room 3.3, Singapore Management University

For details and complete schedule, see:

Please reply if you have any concerns with this scheduling. Thanks!