[Announcement] Bahmni Lite 1.0.0 Release

Hello All,

We are happy to announce the release of Bahmni Lite v1.0.0. Bahmni Lite v1.0.0 is the lightweight distribution of Bahmni that is pre-configured for clinics and small hospitals. It comes out of the box with Bahmni EMR UI, OpenMRS, Reporting and Crater Billing system. It is cloud ready (AWS/Kubernetes/Terraform), docker enabled, fully open source, contains CEIL clinical dictionary and is very secure.

To know what is Bahmni Lite v1.0.0 and what are the modules that are packaged with Bahmni Lite v1.0.0 distribution, please go through this wiki page here.

See the online DEMO of Bahmni Lite v1.0.0 available here.

Bahmni Lite v1.0.0 Major Features

This release of Bahmni Lite comprises of:

  1. Dockerized: Fully dockerized version of Bahmni, to install and run Bahmni easily on an OS (Linux/Windows/Mac).
  2. Cloud Ready: AWS & Kubernetes ready, with terraform automation to deploy Bahmni Lite v1.0.0 on the cloud, in a secure fashion Read more here.
  3. Security: Significant security upgrades and fixes! Also see the new Security Guide.
  4. Lightweight: Contains Bahmni EMR (running on OpenMRS latest version 2.5.9), Reports, and Crater for billing & invoicing.
  5. Pre-configured: Pre-configured with CIEL dictionary containing 50,000+ medical terms with SNOMED, LOINC and ICD-10 mappings, clinical forms, India Essential Drug List and Reports, so that it is ready out-of-the-box for demos and requires minimal configuration to roll out.
  6. Mobile Responsive: Bahmni EMR UI is now mobile responsive for the Clinical module, so clinicians on the move can use Bahmni from their mobile/tablets.
  7. Lab Report Upload Module: Comprises a new Lab Report upload module (written in React). See screenshot here.
  8. FHIR Support: Provides FHIR APIs to pull data from Bahmni/OpenMRS. Read more about Bahmni Interop support for Global standards here.
  9. Teleconsultation support using Jitsi.
  10. SMS/Whatsapp/Email support for sending prescriptions or informing patients about Appointments, etc.
  11. Metabase: Comes out-of-box with Metabase analytics / reporting tool connected to OpenMRS DB and Mart DB (for easier report creation). Read more and see demo video here: Bahmni Metabse/Mart.

Local Bahmni Lite v1.0.0 Setup

  1. Pre-requisites

Docker and docker compose needs to be installed for Bahmni Lite v1.0.0 setup. For installing docker, docker compose and other docker commands please refer to Running Bahmni on Docker wiki page.

  1. Installation Steps

Note: Make sure you checkout tag 1.0.0-lite before running docker compose pull command.

git clone https://github.com/Bahmni/bahmni-docker.git && cd bahmni-docker
git checkout tags/1.0.0-lite
cd bahmni-lite
# Using docker compose
docker compose --profile bahmni-lite up -d
# Or use the bash script

Further Reading

  • See here for detailed release notes. You will also find documentation and story card links to individual features and fixes in the release notes.
  • See here for specific binaries link for individual components

Known Issues

Please refer to the sheet for the list of known issues.


Kindly reach out to us, in case you find any issues related to installation or any feature released. We would be very happy to help you out. Let the Bahmni core team know if any feedback through the following channels -

  1. Talk thread : We will use this thread for anything posting relevant to the release - Updates and notifications from the release team, reporting new issues (new JIRA cards only) etc.
  2. Slack : Use the #community channel for regular discussions. Please see here for details.

Thanks & Regards,

Bahmni Core Team

@akhilmalhotra @abhinab @binduak @gsluthra @angshuonline @rahu1ramesh @arjun @mksrom @ramashish @mohant @sivareddy @swetha184 @laxman @anandpatel @sushilp @sushmit @vmalini @dipakthapa @mddubey @rrameshbtech @mddubey @iadksd @mwelazek @michaelbontyes @buvaneswariarun @sanjayap @florianrappl @apaule @mwelazek @tejakancherla @rabbott @wolf @mdg583 @n0man @sanofersameera @soorya @deepthi @venu @atish1603 @grace


We have scheduled a community demo + Q&A of Bahmni Lite on Tuesday, Jun 27 at 6:30 PM IST. Add to your calendar using this link.

Zoom link is this.

Dear sir, I am new to the healthcare sector after a long distinguished career in the Indian Army. Aim being not just a second career but also a different way of contributing to patient health care. Seeing the passion of your young energetic team here, I am intrigued to get in touch with you on the IT challenges I found in the hospital where I am trying to contribute. How can I give the surgeons here an OT scheduler or an app where availability of both our OTs is visible to them to plan and schedule there surgeries for efficient utilization of theatres. I am sure you will not mind helping out a army veteran on this to perform his role better. I am based out of Bangalore & it will be a pleasure to host you anytime. Warm Regards, Col Rakesh Bhardwa,VSM(Retd), Contact -7896003305

Hi Sir, thank you for showing interest in Bahmni. OT scheduling is available in standard Bahmni version. As Bahmni LITE version is for smaller clinics OT scheduling functionality is not provided in this version.

To understand how OT scheduling works in Bahmni please refer to the following links: https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/676069378/Operation+Theatre+Scheduling https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/703922251/Operation+Theatre+Scheduling+Module https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/900530309/OT+App+Configuration

You can try out OT features online on Bahmni Standard version: https://demo.mybahmni.org/ (username: superman, password: Admin123)

Regards Kiran

cc: @akhilmalhotra @gsluthra @angshuonline @rahu1ramesh

Also, please note that all of IPD features, including Appointment Management and OT Scheduling, are undergoing major development this year in Bahmni. So, you can expect improvements in the screens and some new features in coming months!

Feel free to attend our weekly Wed evening community calls, which are open to all – for Q&A and to see demos / discussions of work that is under development. More details of the weekly community PAT call are here: https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/587956241/Product+Architecture+Team

Thanks a lot to all those who attended the Bahmni Lite v1.0 Online Demo by @akhilmalhotra. Here are the links for those who couldn’t attend:

  1. Bahmni Lite YouTube Recording Video: Bahmni Lite v1.0 for Clinics and Small Hospitals: An Overview and Demo - YouTube
  2. Presentation Link for Bahmni Lite: Bahmni Lite V1.0 - Cloud Ready and Lightweight version for Clinics and Small hospitals (opensource).pdf - Google Drive

Both the above links are also added to the Bahmni Lite v1.0 Wiki page here: https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/3064332289/Bahmni+Lite+-+A+lightweight+opensource+version+of+Bahmni

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Congratulations to all of you who do such a wonderful job and share it in such a nice way. I am impressed and grateful. I would like to ask for a little help, because I can’t find how to configure appointment notices and reminders for patients. I have installed the Lite version in Docker and according to what I have read, this is possible. From already thank you very much. Greetings, Federico from Argentina.


The user may not have privilege to view/access Appointment Module. Just follow these steps: https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/144801828/User+Roles+and+Privileges+for+Appointment+Scheduling#UserRolesandPrivilegesforAppointmentScheduling-AssigningUserRolesfromopenMRS

Give Full Access to user superman from OpenMRS Admin UI.

REMINDER: A community demo / Q&A meeting on Bahmni Lite v1.0 by @akhilmalhotra (Dr. Akhil) is scheduled from tomorrow 24-July-2023 (Monday) at 6:30pm India Time.

Please join on zoom using link: . Launch Meeting - Zoom

You can add a reminder to your calendar using this invite: Add to my calendar!

Hello All,

The Bahmni Lite Docker setup is now easier to manage with the introduction of .env and .env.dev files for configuring environment variables. The .env file points to the stable and tested version of Bahmni Lite v1.0.0, while the .env.dev file points to the latest image version for development and testing.

To get started, use the default setup with .env by running run-bahmni.sh . If you prefer to use the latest images, simply execute run-bahmni.sh env.dev. For those who need more flexibility, create a custom .env file, like .env.local , and run run-bahmni.sh .env.local with your custom configuration.

Please ensure your chosen environment variables file is properly configured before running the commands. Refer this README.md for detailed instructions and further information.

Thanks & Regards,

Bahmni Core Team

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A mega-deck containing all Bahmni LITE screenshots is available here: Screenshot Mega Deck

This is also linked on the main Bahmni LITE page that shows up on google when you search for Bahmni Lite: https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/3064332289/Bahmni+Lite+-+A+lightweight+opensource+version+of+Bahmni