An overview of the forthcoming next release for REF-APP 2.11.0

@prapakaran Can you create a new server using OpenMRS SDK, the distribution to select is Reference Application 2.11.0-SNAPSHOT

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cc @ssmusoke @akanter we did not finish this conversation about covid-19 metadata concepts inclusion in ref-app. what could be your final conclusion on this matter

@sharif & @mogoodrich, I would target Platform 2.3 for this Ref App 2.11 release. We are hoping to get Platform out this fall, but making it a dependency for Ref App 2.11 would push this release back close to when weā€™d expect Ref App 2.12 in Spring 2021.

Iā€™d recommend we refresh modules and try to include the OpenMRS SPA module for Ref App 2.11. Hopefully, this will allow us to get it released closer to the expected target of October 2020.

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Thanks @burke for that clarification

i think i will definitely try to work on this, May be if there are other improvements that need to be worked on before we bundle it in Ref-App

Does this mean we target to the release in october or we still maintain the full release in january 2021

I think the consensus is we target an October 2020 release, based on Core 2.3.x, and with mainly a module refreshā€¦


Mainly i think it will depend on the status of the SPA module.

could we have an MVP of the SPA module by october /2020 ?? cc @bistenes @mksd @ibacher

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Nice catch @mozzy actually i wanted to bring this in the TAC call but thanks for bringing this up

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From the comments here , we agreed to keep the platform at 2.3 for this release ,

but am seeing it updated to 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT here ā€¦ can we revert that ?? cc @sharif

+1 consent . I canā€™t Imagine the whole year without a release!

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Thanks @mozzy for that catch , created a ticket here, can you make it ready for work

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cool. done

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Thanks @mozzy finished that PR


@sharif donā€™t you think the module Snapshot versions need reverting as well ?

@tendomart i think those module versions are already set not until there is confirmation from module owners or module maintainers of which version that we are going to go with in Next Ref-App 2.11.0. then we can continue and update them later That change of openmrsVersion was because we tended to continue depend on 2.3.0 platform, we expect to have many changes from snapshots to stable versions to be released

However @tendomart thanks again, Am going to create a thread reminding on different module owners and maintainers of these versions such that they be aware or May be they can let us know of any information of such modules


Hey all , It seems weve got some regression,

since we reverted the platform 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT to 2.3.1 in the reff app distribution , the standalone build failed at .

Tried to look through the failure and discovered ,there was some changes and upgrade introduced into the standalone project for reff app here that were incompatible with the liquibase version in core 2.3.1 .

Note that starting at Liquibase 3.7.0 , there are some backward Incompantible API changes.

so i have again reverted back to platform 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT because we have liquibase upgraded

.Other possible work arounds

  • upgrade the liquibase version in core 2.3.2-SNAPHOT ,and we have a minor release of platform 2.3.2 , and then depend on that.
  • We revert this change in a separte branch ie (openmrs-emr2_for_2.3.x) to have a standalone branch ,thats still compatiple with platform 2.3.x as it is

cc @sharif @grace @dkayiwa @ibacher @jennifer @gcliff


Thanks @mozzy for that catch , i think thatā€™s why other releases have been failing with distro because it seems the error is the same .

@mozzy does it fail again when you revert it back to 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT, havent seen the log reminder

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what do you mean other releases ??

The standalone Build succeds on platform 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT.

Just that UI tests fail because qa-server is down . havent looked into why qa-server failed to start

Thanks to @mogoodrich, have been releasing these module and i have been seeing ref-app distro failing, i dont know if you saw it

thanks @mozzy for bringing this up

i vouch for the first work around option

Thanks @gcliff, could let us know when this change is ready, , to resume working on RA-1818 back to 2.3. hope you are going to create those tickets unless otherwise