Addition to step-by-step installation for developers on wiki

We recently installed OpenMRS for Ubuntu and noticed there was a step-by-step guide with pictures for Windows ( We would like to create one for Ubuntu. Is this a good idea or are there any objections to this? Thanks!


@andersont sure that would be awesome !

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Should we email the work to someone when we are done? How does that process work? Thanks.

@andersont would you like create a wiki page with the details? Then we can move it over to the appropriate space.

Ok, that sounds good. We are working on it now.

How should we create a wiki page? We cannot log in to the OpenMRS wiki.

login to the wiki page with your id.

We keep getting an error saying “the username and/or password are incorrect. Please try again.” The username and password work for the site, but not the wiki.

then try signing up from the wiki page, and see the results

I finally got permissions to post to the wiki. What should I name the page and where should I put it?

@andersont just name it "openmrs Installation for developers on ubuntu "

and you can put it under here “Documentation\Home\Developer Guide\Getting Started as a Developer \Step by Step Installation for Developers”

I made the page. Here is the link :

I did not add any links to it as I wasn’t sure if I should or should not do that. Thanks!

Thank you so much @andersont for putting this up. Please keep up the spirit. :smile: For places where you said that OpenMRS requires Java 1.6 and above, could you also add that platform 2.x requires Java 1.8?

I also like the screens where you show what they should see. :slight_smile: As for you last screenshot, do you mind taking them through a couple more for the choices one could make to complete the setup?

We are working on adding more after the final screenshot. How much depth should we go into? Should we have a screenshot for each step needed? For example, in the advanced installation type there are 5 steps needed. Do you want a screenshot for each step or should we just say there are 5 steps and you should reach the review page and have a screenshot of that?

@andersont i would go screenshot for each page. Though i would not put all the screenshots on the same wiki page. I would do links to wiki pages for say, Advanced Installation method, Test Installation method, etc. The default page can just have those for the Simple Installation method. What do you think? :slight_smile:

Thank you for that great work

That sounds good. However, we do not have a remote system to use for the test installation, so we do not have the resources necessary for that one.

@andersont do you mind using as the remote system for the test installation method?

We are currently working on getting screenshots for each installation method. We should have it all done within an hour or so.

We are trying to complete the Test Installation method, but we need a username for the superuser on the remote system and the password for the superuser. We are using the as the remote system.