Adding vaccinations to the RefApp

The OpenMRS RefApp does not have an package vaccinations. In the past, there have been several approaches to this (ie. Partners In Health, EzVac, iSantePlus, Bahmni, et al). Vaccination should be part of most EMRs, so we are currently looking to harvest existing features for RefApp 2.10.

Can anyone recommend a solution? Is anyone using EzVac and does it work with the RefApp?

Partners In Health vaccinations metadata: Written by @darius


Ideally we’d want to make this customizable/configurable. Vaccinations (type of vaccine, schedule) could change for age, gender, country requirements. This currently done in the software. It would be great to have a UI configuration tool – likely done beyond MVP.



Thanks @ball for sharing this. Lets wait for a few other ideas regarding this
cc @dev2 @dev3 @dev4 @dev5 @c.antwi

I vote go ahead!!!

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@ball we would be happy to collaborate with you on that one.

Should we organise a call of some sort?

Cc @jesplana @lilian

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Surely @mksd, that would be good . cc @c.antwi @dkayiwa

+1 to organizing a call

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+1 on the call. I strongly recommend either using EzVac to help with the decision support, or at least ensuring that the underlying data model uses the CVX codes and organization that it uses. The importance of NOT documenting separate concepts for OPV#1, OPV#2, etc. cannot be understated.

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Hello @ball, so what the conclusion on this , can we shedule a call to make conclusions so that work on this feature can commense?? cc @c.antwi

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+1 for a call. Is there a design call coming up where this can be discussed? Unfortunately I will be on vacation for a few days, so you might start a doodle poll.

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Hey Everyone

I will go ahead and arrange to take the next slot on Monday 30 June 2019

You mean July 1st right?

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@c.antwi its monday 1st july. we have nothing like monday 30th june 2019

(ignore my post about the date…I see the announcement now here: DESIGN FORUM 2019-07-01: Addition of Vaccines Feature to RefApp 2.10)

@akanter Can you invite anyone who can demo EzVac or discuss any current implementations for that module?

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Hello @c.antwi, could you please share the summary from the design call ,and the way forward , thanks

For COVID and other vaccines, it would be great to add Manufacture and Lot number to the existing code. Even better if someone pulls this into a standalone module for RefApp.

Vaccinations is being designed for 3.0. But for all the people using RefApp now and staying with that implementation for the next year, this would be useful.

FYI @aojwang @mogoodrich

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