OpenMRS reference application: 2.10, platform 2.3.2:
Hello Everyone, I’m trying to use the drug order entry UI but I’m a little bit confused, these are the reasons why:
- I see in addons that Order Entry UI is meant for OpenMRS 1.10
- So Order Entry OWA (1.2.2) is the one I should use with my OpenMRS 2.3.2
- I see here that Order Entry UI (v1.0) is a requirement for Order Entry OWA
- I see in OpeenMRS addons platform that Order Entry OWA has no requirements nor Platform Requirement.
- I added the Order Entry UI omod and created the properties as mentioned here but having errors
Question: Which modules (OWA/Omod) are required to add drug order UI to the patient dashboard? What are the requirements?