Add On Index work updates of Gsoc 2017

WEEK 2 Update:

Researched about elasticsearch and came up with a good algorithm that addresses all of our concerns.

Created a PR for AO-2 here.

More details on the changes made and future improvements may be found here.

Have we completed last week’s work successfully?

Yes! :star2:

What are we working on as of 10th June,2017 and the following week?

  • Display compatibility of the module with current installed OpenMRS version : We will be able to sort a module based on our platform version . This has been discussed here.

       Current status: Beginning work on this feature
       Estimated time of completion : 17th June ,2017
  • Improved Tagging support : We hope to improve the utility of the tag feature we already have implemented. For ex: We could click on the tag and all the modules of that tag could show up.

       Current status: Waiting for completion of the above feature first
       Estimated time of completion : 17th June ,2017