2023-12-11: Academy/Professional Development Management Call

There is a LOT happening as we gear up to launch our first two OpenMRS Academy offerings in January: OpenMRS Fundamentals Academy & O3 Jumpstart!

Using our January 2024 OpenMRS Academy Planning Checklist, on Monday’s call we’ll check in on and discuss any upcoming action needed on:

Who: Anyone who is interested in making OpenMRS Academies & professional development opportunities happen. @jmpango @antoniomacheve @marinachichava @erica @suubi7 @jonathan @edison @grace @dkayiwa @dkigen @jayasanka

When: Monday at 7:30 pm IST | 5pm Nairobi | 4pm Cape Town | 2pm UTC | 9am Boston | 6am Seattle

Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom

If you can’t make Monday’s meeting, here are a few ways you can follow & help us get ready:


Thanks @suubi7 @jonathan @edison @sharif for joining today’s meeting!

ICYMI, here are a few key points from today’s call:

  • We looked at how other academies are marketing themselves on LinkedIn & discussed how we want to design our social media campaigns & communications towards our potential audiences. @suubi7 is going to work on a new LinkedIn & Twitter design for this week. @edison is going to review & tweak our emails/letters/etc.

  • 40 people have expressed interest in our OpenMRS Academies! This feedback, along with the content laid out in the Academy maps, is informing when we’ll schedule January’s two academies:

    • Fundamentals Academy: January 9-12 from 4pm-6pm EAT
    • O3 Jumpstart!: January 16-24 from 4pm-6pm EAT
  • A specific web-page for the Fundamentals Academy is almost ready to go live:

  • When we looked at the Academy maps, we also discussed ways to make these online sessions more engaging, interactive, and based on real life. Some of the techniques used for in-person workshops (ie: small group discussions) don’t work as easily online and so we’ll need to think of ways to achieve the same objective using a different technique. Ideas included: using menti-meter polls, quizzes, word clouds, open ended Q&As, using Miro boards, asking participants to use the same tools we use as a community (ie: Talk, Wiki, Slack, etc) and present their experience the next day, etc.

  • We decided to have open working sessions this week at 4pm EAT on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, & 5pm EAT next Wednesday & Thursday so that we can have as much of the work done before the holidays as possible. Here’s the link: Launch Meeting - Zoom


Got done with the designs for this week @jennifer @edison @jonathan @wodpachua @sharif Please check them out here


Well done @suubi7 left some small comments …thanks for the nice work

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A post was merged into an existing topic: January 2024 OpenMRS Academy Planning & Logistics