2023-03-08 TAC call: Platform 2.7 & API Roadmap & Plan - we want your feedback!

You are all invited for this week’s Technical Action Committee call on Thursday at 2pm UTC (3pm CET / 5pm EAT / 7:30pm IST / 9am EST / 6am PST) at :video_camera: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Main Topic: @herbertyiga and @dkayiwa will be sharing their ideas for the Platform 2.7 Roadmap. We are looking for community feedback - FYI folks like @aojwang @eudson @mogoodrich @mseaton @ibacher @pirupius @samuel34 @slubwama @binduak @angshuonline @dagimm @mksrom @ruhanga @mksd

Spoiler alert, these are the currently proposed items:

Platform 2.7 (Q4 2023)