2020-12-11: Technical Action Committee (TAC) call

Friendly reminder - this week’s TAC is this Friday.

When: Friday at 7:30pm IST | 5pm Nairobi | 4pm Cape Town | 2pm UTC | 9am EST | 6am PST .

Where: om.rs/zoomtac


  • (10 mins) Conference technical debrief: Given what we heard at the conference, is there any new technical direction we should consider, or existing directions we should further emphasize? MetroRetro link: https://metroretro.io/board/LB0VW05UTCS2
    • (5 mins) Plan to update the Technical Radar? (in TAC or community session?) Probably several sessions?
  • (10 mins) Security: Recent Advisory & Result of discussions w/ Isaac and Ian at conference
  • (5 mins) Platform release updates: Beta released; confirm timeline for full release
  • (20 mins) Update on Deployment Packaging prototype work by Romain
  • (10 mins) GSOC Projects: Plan to i.d. projects?

Notes and Previous Recordings: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/Technical+Action+Committee+Notes

@burke @mksd @mksrom @ibacher @dkayiwa @wanyee @janflowers @ssmusoke @jdick @aojwang @morrisng @mogoodrich @mseaton @akanter @herbert24 @bistenes @tendomart @gcliff @mozzy @sharif & please CC others you think would be interested.


Here is the recording from the Dec 11 TAC call: https://iu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/1_w0e2phv5

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