Hi every one,this is a gentle reminder to all regarding our pm today at : 8:30pm IST | 6pm Nairobi | 5pm Cape Town | 3pm UTC | 11am Boston | 8am Seattle*
Where : To join the call by phone, dial +1-888-510-4073. To join the call using Audio, Chat, & Screen Sharing please use a compatible browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) and go to: http://www.uberconference.com/openmrs
Apologies @herbert24@gracebish, I won’t be able to attend today’s PM call due to overlap with the OpenHIE QA call where we are sharing information with them about Cucumber Studio.
However today is of course an important meeting, with the RefApp update Sprint 2 concluding, and several important announcements. Here are some requests and suggestions:
Automation Testing Training Today - @k.joseph is providing a short training session today at 8pm EAT for all community members interested in learning how to write Selenium tests. @herbert24 can you promote this session on today’s PM call? Here’s the post w/ joining information: 2020-11-02:Design Forum: Getting Started with Automated Testing
Update from @sharif and @tendomart on status of Sprint 2 and plan for Sprint 3 for RefApp etsting
Dashboard Review - Can I ask that someone, perhaps @jwnasambu, take the lead in reviewing the ci.openmrs.org build dashboard with the team on the call?
QA Guest Speaker from Mozilla Tomorrow - @herbert24 can you let the PM Team know that we have a guest speaker from Mozilla Firefox joining our QA Team call on Tuesday this week? He founded their Quality Assurance program and will be sharing his advice with us on QA in OSS. Anyone is welcome to join and hear what he shares.
Thanks @grace@herbert24@gracebish,Appologies i was unable to attend today’s pm call but i will update the notes and will try communicate around talk threads about refapp2.11.0 release