Dear Community,
The Product Change Committee is already off and running. As recently as yesterday, they talked about how their focus differs from the Technical Action Committee. It’s time for the Technical Action Committee to come together and review the Terms of Reference for this committee. Specific questions to answer during this kickoff meeting include:
- What is this committee responsible for?
- How is this committee different from the Product Change Committee?
- What are our priorities for the next three months?
- When will this committee meet?
When: Monday, October 14 at 9:30pm IST | 7pm Nairobi | 6pm Cape Town | 4pm Accra | 12pm Boston | 9am Seattle
Where: To join the call by phone, dial +1-888-510-4073. To join the call using Audio, Chat, & Screen Sharing please use a compatible browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) and go to:[quote=“janflowers, post:9, topic:25004”] PCC members have decided that our focus is on what functionally we are building, and not how it is built technology-wise. We will have to work closely with the technical advisory (decision?) committee in prioritizing work to ensure feasibility. [/quote]
Who: Anyone in the community is welcome to join the conversation - and we are particularly interested in having experienced, technical leaders from implementations contribute. We look forward to seeing @burke @dkayiwa @jdick @ssmusoke @mksd @ningosi and others on Monday!