You cannot view or manage addon manager





when you use your openmrs Id and your password hear Dashboard - OpenMRS Issues still you cant log in?

Yes, it says invalid username or password.

clear the cache of your browser and try again

Still the same, actually tried it on a different browser and its still the same.

You need to write to OpenMRS Help Desk and ask for access to JIRA.

hey all, i once got into this problem but what i did was to download modules and paste them to the modules folder of OpenMRS at C:\Windows\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\Application Data\openmrs

Hello I had the same problem, does it have a solution for OpenMRS 2.4 “Ubuntu 18.04, Tomcat 8.5, MySQL 5.7” Thank you in advance for your response.

Replace the rest webservices module with the latest release: OpenMRS Add Ons


Thanks for the reply, it works now. But I had another problem below the screenshot, and I can no longer find the serialization.xstream 0.2.14 module on: it gives me an empty page. Can you give me a direct link to download the .omod file?

I am trying to install openmrs 2.4.0 on Ubuntu 20.04. Install was successful,But i am getting following problem

you can’t view or manage the Adons since you do not have the privileges and you are not an admin Can you Please help me…

Upgrade to the latest version of the webservices rest module. OpenMRS Add Ons

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Dkayiwa Can you Please guide me how to do that I am kind of noob here.

use the above link given to you by @dkayiwa to download webservices rest module,remove the one existing in your modules folder of openmrs and add the one downloaded and re-start the server

Herbert, Thanks for your reply. Here is what I did. 1)I have checked .openmrs/modules directory was empty . 2) I downloaded latest Webservices rest .omod file and place it in .openmrs/module 3) relaunch the app Now I am getting

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You will find it easier to just install the OpenMRS Reference Application Distribution 2.11.0

On second attempt I am getting Server logs INFO 6/23/21, 1:09 PM:liquibase: Reading from `liquibasechangelog`WARNING 6/23 -

Drop the database and run the set up again.

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