Xforms OpenMRS adding Radio button

Did you set the identifier source as per this page? https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Idgen+Module

I will look into this, I’m gonna be away for a while tho

well that helped a lot, thanks sir for the guidance on the auto generation… but on the radio button what do I do?

I want to create a radio button that would allow the user to pick either walk-in or HMO for the patient, where walk-in patient goes through a normal process.

If HMO radio button is picked then either there will be 2 static field box that is grayed out( one for HMO name , and one for HMO number ) until the radio button for HMO is picked…

is that possible? , sorry if you can’t understand it I don’t really know how to explain this…

Would you consider this as an observation or person attribute? https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Person+Attribute+vs.+Observation

its a person attribute sir.

thanks a lot for your replies!

So first create the person attribute. After which i will advise on what next. These links could be of help: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Managing+Person+Attribute+Types http://en.flossmanuals.net/openmrs-guide/openmrs-information-model/

ok on it, thanks!

I’ve created the person attribute now, and set it to java.lang.string will this be still connected to the patients , and the patient’s form?

what to do next sir? :smiley:

thanks in advance

Are you using the openmrs reference application? If yes, which version?

No, I’m sorry Im not using the reference application, Its my first time seeing this… I think it could help me in some other parts of my project, could you briefly explain what it does??

given that I’m not using it, should I install it in my openMRS??

Can you list for me the modules you have installed on your system?

here is the list of all my modules in my openMRS project…

When you get some time, ping me on IRC https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/IRC/Home

Am logged in as dkayiwa