Why can't I save an entry in Simple Lab Entry module?

Platform Version: 1.9.8


HI here is my lab configuration, I still can’t save a lab entry whenever I try,

whats causing this to happen? ,

Concept ID 6101 = Lab test contept id 6102 = blood test.

whenever I create a new order, there’s this option shown where I can pick if its blood test or lab test , but then if I enter the results it shows the first picture… I don’t know why it happens

thanks for your reply good sir and thanks for more future help , :slight_smile:

First thing I’d recommend is to check the logs, both on the server side and in the browser, and see if you can identify any errors there. Have you tried making sure all of the fields on the screen are filled out and working backwards? Perhaps date of result is required, or another field.

Yes I did check the server logs for errors before , and it doesn’t show anything related to the lab entry module.

it can run on 1 type of workflow and test type , but if I try 2 , it just shows that blank box with an ok button

do you have a sample lab entry config ?