Why am I getting memory errors with the cashier & inventory module?

Platform Version: OpenMRS 1.9.8 OpenMRS Version: N/A

Question: I’m trying to install the cashier module and inventory module of openMRS but I’m having problems:

The error permgen in java is quite annoying (though I don’t know how to solve this one , the internet says that I need to increase the data limit for Java )

what could possibly be the cause of these problems , and how do I solve them ?

TIA for the replies and comments ( forgot to include this in the main post )

Hi Rolf,

Did you get a chance to look at? https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Troubleshooting+Memory+Errors

I moved 3 posts to a new topic: Can’t create new department in Cashier module?

yea thanks sir, but I’ve already solved this one , thanks for the reply though :slight_smile: