A few weeks ago, we had a good conversation on a Developers Forum about the Platform Technical Road Map (Objective 1.1). If you haven’t seen already, you can review notes on the wiki page for the 2016-08-18 Developers Forum.
During the call, I asked a series of questions, some of which were provocative to stimulate conversation. I’m bringing these questions into Talk and look forward to your thoughts & feedback.
Who are the users/consumers of the OpenMRS Platform?
Here’s the list from the dev forum:
- Implementations of OpenMRS
- Service providers who implement OpenMRS for others
- orgs who have OpenMRS implemented for them by some service provider
- Distributions of OpenMRS
- Module authors
- Organizations with vested interest in or dependency on the Platform
- Academic Institutions using OpenMRS
- Developers who contribute to openmrs-core (and the rest of the platform)
Are there people/groups who are not currently users of the Platform we should be targeting?
Here’s the list from the dev forum:
- Other projects who could leverage OpenMRS as part of their solutions
- Strategic partners
- Vendors of systems that can integrate with OpenMRS
Are there people/groups who may be using the platform, but should not be our (community) focus/priority?
Here’s the list from the dev forum:
- Hackers
- Individuals needs/opinions/suggestions that do not include * investment
- People using OpenMRS solely for learning
- e.g. Global North colleges using OpenMRS to teach about Open Source
- Developer-defined features/priorities
- Making developers efficient/productive definitely IS a goal, but the road map should not be developer-driven
Do you have additional thoughts/ideas/feedback on the questions above? Please feel free to join the discussion here.