WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getRuntimePropertiesFilePathName(2669) |2015-10-30 10:25:41,182| Unable to find a runtime properties file at /var/lib/tomcat7/openmrs-runtime.properties
WARN - OpenmrsUtil.getApplicationDataDirectory(1228) |2015-10-30 10:25:41,260| Unable to write to users home dir, fallback to: /var/lib
although openmrs-runtime.properties was created by the wizard in /var/lib/OpenMRS
and openmrs runs fine.
do you get these too? is this anything to be concerned about?
Yes, @teleivo, I get the same warning. I think it’s just listing the places it’s checking to find the openmrs-runtime.properties file. So long as it finds the right file, I’m not concerned.
@arbaughj@teleivo noticed the solution is to create the .OpenMRS folder in /usr/share/tomcat7 then change the owner of the folder to the tomcat user i.e:
I’m a bit late to this conversation, but I second @drexvictor and @whiscard - creating the .OpenMRS folder in /usr/share/tomcat7 is a better solution.
It takes care of a lot of warnings in the log files where openmrs looks for files in the /usr/share/tomcat7 directory, does not find them and then falls back to /var/lib.
I recently faced this. Have updated the install guide to reflect this.