What workflow should be employed to spot-out breaking commits in esm repos

Now that we might have a number of Tests merged in out o3 testing repo as a wrap up for @pasindur2’s GSOC’22 project, I think its crucial to discuss about how to ensure that as o3 developers are committing to the esm repositories, they get notified in case their change breaks the RefApp 3.x

This is response to Lint fixes and enforcements in the patient management apps by vasharma05 · Pull Request #299 · openmrs/openmrs-esm-patient-management · GitHub

I had a commencement private chart with my mentor @dkayiwa and below is his reply.

I am looking forward to seeing more suggestion from you

cc @grace @ibacher @dkayiwa @zacbutko @burke @pasindur2 @raff @jayasanka @kdaud #o3 #qaframework

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