What’s Happening This Week: 29 May 2023 to 2 June 2023


Today is a holiday in the US, that is Memorial Day. Additionally, we do have the Digital Square Global Good Innovator Summit 2023 taking place this week in Tanzania. Anticipate low call attendance today and across the week.

Are you wondering what teams or squads are meeting this week and when? Do you have the correct meeting link? This is the cheat sheet for you!

Need more details? Want to look at an actual calendar or add a meeting to your own? This resource is for you:

Zoom Tips

  • Passcodes: Use the om.rs short links below for Zoom calls to avoid the passcode prompt. If you are ever asked for one, simply respond with “1.”

Fellowship Program Management

When: 8:00pm IST | 5:30pm Nairobi | 4:30pm Cape Town | 2:30pm UTC | 10:30am Boston | 7:30am Seattle.

Where: https://om.rs/zoomso

OpenMRS 3.0: Product & Design Session

When: 8:30pm IST | 6pm Nairobi | 5pm Cape Town | 3pm UTC | 11am Boston | 8am Seattle

Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom


OpenMRS Dev Office Hours

When: 5:30pm IST | 3pm Nairobi | 2pm Cape Town | 12pm UTC | 8am Boston | 5am Seattle

Where: https://om.rs/zoomdev

Quality Assurance Support Team

When: 6:30 pm IST | 4 pm Nairobi | 3 pm Cape Town | 1 pm UTC| 9 am Boston | 6 am Seattle

Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Evaluation Squad

When: 7:30pm IST | 5pm Nairobi | 4pm Cape Town | 2pm UTC | 10am Boston | 7am Seattle

Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom

FHIR Squad

When: 8:30pm IST | 6pm Nairobi | 5pm Cape Town | 3pm UTC | 11am Boston | 8am Seattle

Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom


Bahmni PAT

When: 6:30pm IST | 4pm Nairobi | 3pm Cape Town | 1pm UTC| 9am Boston | 6am Seattle

Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Global Events Planning & Marketing Team

When: 6:30pm IST | 4pm Nairobi | 3pm Cape Town | 1pm UTC | 9am Boston | 6am Seattle

Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom

OCL for OpenMRS Squad

When: 7:30pm IST | 5 pm Nairobi | 4 pm Cape Town | 2 pm UTC | 10 am Boston | 7am Seattle.

Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Platform Team

When: 10:30pm IST | 8pm Nairobi | 7pm Cape Town | 5pm UTC |1 pm Boston | 10 am Seattle

Where: https://om.rs/zoomplatform


3.x Frontend Squad

When: 6:30pm IST | 4pm Nairobi | 3pm Cape Town | 1pm UTC | 9 am Boston | 6 am Seattle

Where: https://om.rs/zoommf

Technical Action Committee

When: 7:30pm IST | 5pm Nairobi | 4pm Cape Town | 2pm UTC | 10 am Boston | 7 am Seattle

Where: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Concept Management Office Hours

When: 8:30pm IST | 6pm Nairobi | 5pm Cape Town | 3pm UTC | 11 am Boston | 8 am Seattle

Where: https://e-imo.zoom.us/j/96431674220?pwd=NzNYYlpjRWFNK2JXdFNZQ3VuUnEyUT09

Community Management & Operations

When: 8:30pm IST | 6pm Nairobi | 5pm Cape Town | 3pm UTC | 11 am Boston | 8 am Seattle

Where: https://om.rs/zoomso

OMRS23 Planning

When: 7:30pm IST | 5pm Nairobi | 4pm Cape Town | 2pm UTC | 10 am Boston | 7 am Seattle

Where: https://iu.zoom.us/j/88438138750?pwd=ak1XbmprdFBUQnRZOWszWU91VHdyUT09