What are the standard EMR requirements considered during deployment

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Question: We are planning for national emr implementation and currently evaluating available EMR or EHR requirements for resource constrained settings. We would like to know the different EMR requirements and standards that implementers’ in the OpenMRS community have used for their implementations. Kindly share your requirements lists or point or to resources or contacts who can help? @janflowers @ggomez @jennifer

Hello @akinnaija for initiating this discussion on this work. As a follow up we have gathered EMR requirements from several sources including the Kenya EMR functional requirements to others such as the HL7 functional requirements. We know that different countries may have different requirements and we at the Digital Initiatives Group (DIGI) are looking at a formal assessment of these requirements in order to arrive at a Master list. We would love community input into any EMR requirements that may be out there. Additionally we will share our work and we would really welcome some feedback. @janflowers @jennifer @mozzy @herbert24 @imeasangansi @gcliff


Hi @akinnaija, here is a list of EMR Requirements we’ve been compiling - hope this is a helpful starting place. I feel I should warn you though: It depends on what you need to accomplish. For example, if you need an EMR only for outpatient settings, you would not want to apply every single requirement mentioned in the docs linked below. I recommend you begin by briefly outlining exactly what you want your original target scope to be.

Hope this helps; we have an entire thread on this: