Welcoming Our GSoC 2023 Students and Mentors: A Fun and Engaging Orientation Session ๐ŸŽ‰

Hello OpenMRS Community! :smiley:

We are thrilled to announce that last Friday, we conducted a fantastic orientation session for our Google Summer of Code 2023 students and mentors! Our goal was to welcome the selected students, introduce them to their mentors, and provide them with the necessary guidelines to ensure the success of their projects. And, of course, we had a blast doing it! :rocket:

The session was filled with smiles, enthusiasm, and a sense of camaraderie as we kickstarted our GSoC 2023 journey. We started with brief introductions, allowing students and mentors to get to know one another. We then moved on to discuss the expectations for the program, important deadlines, and best practices for communication and collaboration. :handshake:

We believe that this orientation session has laid a strong foundation for the upcoming months. As we embark on this exciting adventure together, we are confident that our talented students and dedicated mentors will make significant contributions to the OpenMRS project, driving our mission forward. :star2:

For those who couldnโ€™t attend or would like to revisit the session, weโ€™ve got you covered! Hereโ€™s the link to the recording of the session: GSoC Orientation - Indiana University :video_camera:

Now, we would like to hear from all of you who joined the call! Your feedback is invaluable, and it will help us improve our future sessions. Please feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, and any areas where you think we can do better. We are committed to making the GSoC experience the best it can be for everyone involved. :speech_balloon:

Once again, congratulations to all the selected students and a huge thank you to our amazing mentors for volunteering their time and expertise. We are truly grateful for your passion and commitment to the OpenMRS community. :clap:

Stay tuned for regular updates on our GSoC 2023 projects, and donโ€™t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions. Letโ€™s make this summer a memorable and productive one! :sun_with_face:

Cheers to an incredible GSoC 2023! :partying_face:

cc: @kdaud @grace @deb @randila @jexsie @lumuchris256 @wikumc @elonshubham @mherman22 @ayushmishra @thembo42 @anjisvj @vasharma05 @hadijah315 @piumal1999 @rishabh997 @abertnamanya @heshan @kumuditha @dennis @ibacher @dkayiwa @jnsereko


Awww :raised_hands:

Jayasanka and community admins, its seems you had it all :raised_hands:

Resources that i noted could help fellow GSOCERS :smile: to improve communication and collaboration;

  1. Don't End The Week With Nothing

  2. https://www.swyx.io/learn-in-public

  3. https://learninpublic.org/

  4. https://www.amazon.com/Show-Your-Work-Austin-Kleon/dp/076117897X

Cant wait to start off the incredible journey

Thanks OpenMRS Inc.


Thanks, Openmrs. Thanks, everyone. Much love from the angry bird :smile:


It was a wonderful first session call

Cheers to an incredible GSoC 2023! :partying_face:


It was amazing :smiley:


Amazing call. I had a lot to learn from your presentation @jayasanka and every other participant.

Cheers :partying_face: to everyone taking part in this yearโ€™s GSoC.


It was a wonderful session, some points I noted; keep in touch with your mentors, and document your journey.

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Thanks all for your feedback! :heart_decoration: