Welcome! Please introduce yourself

Hey @endurancez , you can start from here and If you want to join GSoC this year check those talks: talk1 , talk2 . Good Luck :smile:

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Your welcome to the community.

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@kaddykaddy welcome to the community

Assalamu Alaikum Everyone… This is Mohammad Amdadul Islam Nidhro, a Java Software Developer from Bangladesh, currently working on OpenMRS project at Crystal Technology Bangladesh Ltd. Nidhro loves to develop and create creative things, wants to gather more knowledge and build more skills. He is a full stack developer, worked on technologies like Java, Spring, AngularJS, Angular, Wordpress etc. Hopefully, Nidhro will be able to contribute something in this opensource project with a great community and needs support from all. Thank you… :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome to the community :smile:

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Thanks @gracebish :slight_smile:

Very much welcome to the community @nidhro. :smile:

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Hey all,

I’m Michael Kerl, a Computer Science major at Metropolitan State University of Denver. I have mainly worked on web dev with javascript/php frameworks, but I am excited to try my hand at something new. I found this project very interesting, especially given the current pandemic in the world, and am looking forward to contributing what I can!


Hey @derplicity , You are very welcome to join our community. you can start from here . Good luck :smile:


Thanks a lot :slight_smile: @joachimjunior

Hi, @derplicity, we are all pleased to have to amongst us. You are very much welcomed.

Hello all, I’m Teresa. I live in Florida, USA. I would like to get involved and make a difference. I am a newbie.

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Hey @mayo , welcome to our community. you can start getting involved from here !! :grinning:

Hi my name is Jose Quintanilla.

We have a software company with a lot of experience creating high performance applications in the Manufacture and Industrial areas in US and Europe, also Infographics for many US institutions with the with the newest available Technologies, like mobile devices, IoT, Big data etc…

We love to collaborate with the society and we developed many social applications including now some medical applications web and m-health.

We are reviewing over what medical platform we can collaborate with our little experience and we saw that OpenMRS is one of the best ones and I would like to see if that is possible or restrictions on that.

Thank you in advance for your answer or suggestions, also if there anyone that can answer some technical questions that can minimize our learning curve or training in the technical area will be highly appreciated for our team.

Best Regards to all.

Hi @mayo, Welcome to the community. :smile:

Welcome to the community

Hello Everyone, My name is Sukreet Roy Choudhury, I am a developer from India.

Hi Everyone! I’m Amirthy Tejeshwar, a computer science student from India. I had worked on few projects related to Java, Spring and Mysql. Looking forward to participate actively and I will be contributing to OpenMRS as much as I can from now on!

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Hey @tejuamirthi @sukreet, welcome to community. you can start from here . Good luck :smile:

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Welcome @tejuamirthi.

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