Welcome - please introduce yourself - Guide

I see very very very very many people introducing themselves and expressing a desire to contribute via https://talk.openmrs.org/t/welcome-please-introduce-yourself

After this, i never see them again. Do they just get lost into how to start contributing? Do we need to come up with a strategy of following each one of them right from the time they introduce themselves? What do you think???


Good observation! Seems to me that once we point them to the getting started page, several never get back to us and we don’t seem to have a strategy in place to follow up with them.


I think the parables of the lost coin and sheep can answer best. However,dont forget to be like the father in the broadical son.

Maybe people get lost in understanding how to contribute or be part of the team(i personally got confused for good months) and my observation is that most people who are new to openmrs are also new to this field(IT) especially students so if there could be a way someone could follow up to ask how far they have gone ,it could create impact however it is not an easy task.

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I wonder if it’s not just about a strategy to follow up (which I think is true) but also about making our process easier for people to figure out how to contribute for both development and non-development parts of the project?

Hahaha! Don’t go far, I personally after opening OpenMRS page, I have failed to easily find out the feature that can open the text area for me to type in to introduce myself to the community, until I started questioning the Google in a new tab which landed me to this page. It creates some fear to some people like those who are thinking to be on the page with professionals from around the world who are waiting to get the profile info, etc. but these new people finally end up leaving the page without doing what is expected from them!! Basically the openMRS should prompt new comers in a first to the last tasks to do, for them to gain courage, and automatically redirecting them to other pages to do the needful. i.e. the telegram link should be at the page etc. So, again I suggested that if possible, the interface or the page should at least contain or bring some popups that can prompt or direct new people from step One eg (INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO THE OPENMRS TALK FIRST), to even other following steps to the end, and this should be in order. This will reduce the fear that some people may come with. In other wards, I may think that it is generally fear and complexity which hinder these new people.