Weekly Product Management Nuggets for OpenMRS

Dear Community, I often find interesting podcasts or books or articles - I’ll try to use this thread to share them when I find them! (Though the cadence may not end up being weekly.)

This week:

Podcasts: These ones help with understanding our industry context

1. How Dimagi changed their culture & operations to prioritize product/platform over a project-by-project approach: I completely agree with this strategy, and it’s one I’d like to see us keep growing within OpenMRS too!

2. How Dimagi collaborates to unlock growth for iNGOs: Practical tips for efficient meetings & collaboration.

  1. Achieving Financial Sustainability in Open Source with Yaw Anokwa of ODK: Halfway through, Yaw beautifully summarizes of all the difficult nuances to Global Goods business context that I have also learned painfully over my first 2 years with OpenMRS. Wish I’d heard this 2 years ago!

4. Behind the Scenes with Marie Ahmed of USAID: This gave me a lot more understanding and empathy for people at large funding agencies.


Shameless plug here! I have started writing a few of my own articles on Product Management tips that I have personally learned the hard way. I hope these will help others!

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