We want your ideas to improve the Wiki!

Hey everyone!

Daniel and I met recently to share ideas about the Wiki page and discuss how we think it can be improved as a resource for developers, implementors, as well as the overall community. We both think the Wiki is a great resource, but at this current time it seems to be a little cluttered; difficult to navigate; and contains content that is redundant, stale, or inaccurate regarding the most recent versions of OpenMRS.

As a community, we need YOUR input. Below of some questions to help guide the discussion about the Wiki:

  • How do you think the Wiki could be improved?
  • What features do you wish were available?
  • What do you think should NOT be on the Wiki?
  • What are some challenges you face when using the Wiki?
  • How do you think the navigation schema could be improved?
  • What terminology is no longer relevant to current iterations of OpenMRS? For instance, since we’re using GIT, references to SVN are outdated.
  • What else is on your mind (about the Wiki)? Get it out!
  • Who does Donald Trump’s hair? (Asking for a friend…)

Lastly, we both think there is a ton of information NOT on the Wiki that would be invaluable to our community as well as new implementers of OpenMRS. We want all of you more involved in documentation! You have a lot of knowledge and experience that needs to be shared. You could possess the solution to a problem that another user has. You can help OpenMRS improve at an even faster rate! Your brilliant ideas could revolutionize implementation of OpenMRS worldwide!

As a community, we should feel empowered to share our thoughts and ideas in a way that’s constructive for the benefit of each other and the community as a whole.

Stay classy, Jeff


We still have the svn server running for archival purposes, so it’s not completely gone.

@jeffneiman, should people post here or contact you?

I think the wiki its great but, the biggest problem I see is that is way too outdated. I seen documents from over 5 years ago. There is no quick startup on how to get openmrs installed. There is a doc that explains what you need installed but, I think we need to redo that one. Also what roles does openmrs need and how people can get started. I do understand some roles take time, training and trust but, at least a starting point. I’m willing to help at least on updating some of this stuff. Can I create a page and just putting updated docs them someone can decide where they should go to?

Everything should happen here – this project is far too closed…so i vote here.

good. If you have comments/ changes/ ideas for how to make the Wiki better, please post here!

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@chagara- i agree with you about the outdated but also the need for content curation in a way that allows us /newbies/ non developers or implementers to know where to go.

As far as roles, maybe we start with newbies analysts developers implementers health care teams

i think that it would be great to put a page up with the updated docs and then we can curate them as we go… Thanks for that offer

I spend a few hours and It looks like this type of information is in the wiki but, in different spaces and all over the place. Before I make any changes then we need to decide where this part will be located and then decide what needs to be moved under that page. I don’t want to start moving pages and cause a ruckus.

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@chagara, do you need elevated access? I’d recommend leaving the Welcome page alone (the page you on sign-in)

sure if u dont mind.I havent changed anything yet. Just adding but, wanted to show what I found so far.

let me know when you need 'em =) Don’t feel like doing work OpenMRS duties like that right now =)

Just whenever. No rush.

I would love the documentation to be versioned alongside the code or module that it documents. For example in a similar way than what is done for the official AngularJS doc. I know that Read the Docs does something along those lines. To be investigated…

Perhaps should we also force modules’ README.md to refer to wiki pages, so that each release would offer the opportunity to review the README file and figure out whether the content of its links are out of date.

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Just took the words out of my mouth. Module usage documentation, best practices, code examples belongs in version control with the code. Not sure how it can be extracted and brought together into a coherent document format

Documentation on interaction with other modules, platform and ref app architecture and strategy etc that are higher level belong to the wiki.

This, so this!

@ssmusoke, @mksd, @chagara, awesome input!!!

I’d love to get some more input from non-devs as well.

@chagara great point about holding off on restructuring. We’re currently in the phase of gathering ideas and will only restructure when we have a solid plan in place that way we don’t interfere with anyone’s current projects. Also, there are over 900 nested posts in the Wiki, FYI. :open_mouth:

@r0bby is right that the welcome page should be left alone and if it were to be edited in any way, it might be last.

Keep it coming everyone! Great constructive feedback so far!

I wouldn’t be opposed to the wiki going away entirely – but this opinion also comes from one of the guys that has to keep it running sooo :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you know github has a wiki?

@r0bby sounds a little anarchist, to be honest… Lol.

Maybe we could implement some things Github does really well? Any suggestions?

Also. GO TO BED! Hahahah. I’m not sure what timezone you’re in, but I don’t think you’re on Africa time.

Github now supports publishing documentation from a /docs folder https://github.com/blog/2228-simpler-github-pages-publishing?utm_content=buffer00491&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

What if the wiki itself were a Github project being published via Github pages

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That would be doable – we use a readthedocs style page as @mksd mentioned. We have… a lot of stuff to migate if we go that route…