Version of openmrs where majority of modules has compatibility ?

Hi all,

I would like to explore functionality and features for various openmrs modules .

Below some of things i have found during exploring various openmrs modules .

Found majority of the modules are unsupported for Openmrs 2.x version and supported for Openmrs 1.x version and 1.x version was expecting JDK1.6 which has no more support.

When i tried to explore reporting module compatibility was 1.12 version. but it was expecting some add on modules to work calculation-1.1 ( 1.6.6 version),HTML Widgets 1.1 (1.11.3 -1.9 versions) ,serialization.xstream-0.2.7( 1.6 version).

I have tried to check module reporting using openmrs (1.12 ,1.9.11,2.x versions core) . pulled three branches code tried with three versions of war files but in none of the versions i was not able to integrate reporting module .I think reason was version incompatibility as reporting modules add on modules compatibility was 1.6.6 version and for majority of modules i was facing above kind of issues.

I have created a version compatibility matrix of some of modules which may help u for a quick comparison view .

So i would like know which version of openmrs would be better to explore majority of the openmrs external modules compatibility supported.

Are you having these versions of the 2.x modules?

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@dkayiwa Thanks for reply.

Most released module versions should be able to run on 1.11.6 and most likely 1.12.0

@wyclif Thanks for the reply.

After deploying openmrs 1.11.6 version war .While performing setup installation i am getting below error. I tried even by deleting openmrs database but still i am facing the below issue.

There was an error while updating the database to the latest. file: liquibase-schema-only.xml. Error: Could not acquire change log lock. Currently locked by fe80:0:0:0:8256:f2ff:fe4f:aec4%wlan0 (fe80:0:0:0:8256:f2ff:fe4f:aec4%wlan0) since 28/6/16 9:43 AM See the error log for more details

There was an error while updating the database to the latest. file: liquibase-update-to-latest.xml. Error: Migration failed for change set liquibase-update-to-latest.xml::200805281225::bmckown: Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Error executing SQL INSERT INTO concept_datatype (creator, date_created, description, hl7_abbreviation, name) VALUES (1, ‘2008-05-28 12:25:34.0’, ‘Complex value. Analogous to HL7 Embedded Datatype’, ‘ED’, ‘Complex’): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (openmrs.concept_datatype, CONSTRAINT concept_datatype_creator FOREIGN KEY (creator) REFERENCES users (user_id)): Caused By: Error executing SQL INSERT INTO concept_datatype (creator, date_created, description, hl7_abbreviation, name) VALUES (1, ‘2008-05-28 12:25:34.0’, ‘Complex value. Analogous to HL7 Embedded Datatype’, ‘ED’, ‘Complex’): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (openmrs.concept_datatype, CONSTRAINT concept_datatype_creator FOREIGN KEY (creator) REFERENCES users (user_id)): Caused By: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (openmrs.concept_datatype, CONSTRAINT concept_datatype_creator FOREIGN KEY (creator) REFERENCES users (user_id)) Error while trying to update to the latest database version

Looks like your liquibase changelog table is locked, typically there is one row in the liquibasechangeloglock table, make sure the locked column value for this row is set to 0, lockedgranted and lockedby should be null.

Is there a 2.x module for laboratory? follow are not working

  • Simple Lab Entry Module
  • Open Concept Lab