I was trying to upgrade our OpenMRS version to 2.6.14 from 2.6.1 today. (We run MariaDB 10.6 as our RDBMS for this implementation.) However, the DB upgrade (first prerequisite for in-place minor version upgrade in the WAR file) failed due to MariaDB not being referenced as a supported RDBMS, e.g.:
liquibase-update-to-latest.xml : DBMS Precondition failed: expected mysql, got mariadb
Also, is this probably related to the issue above?
liquibase.changelog.null modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql. Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case
Another one:
liquibase-update-to-latest.xml : Table openmrs.concept_map does not exist
I am not sure if MariaDB is not supported as an RDBMS in OpenMRS (The DB check passed when I installed 2.6.1 back in September 2023.) Can I manually create the question tables in the back-end, if that is supported?