Upgrading to 2.6.14 from 2.6.1 doesn't support MariaDB?

I was trying to upgrade our OpenMRS version to 2.6.14 from 2.6.1 today. (We run MariaDB 10.6 as our RDBMS for this implementation.) However, the DB upgrade (first prerequisite for in-place minor version upgrade in the WAR file) failed due to MariaDB not being referenced as a supported RDBMS, e.g.:

liquibase-update-to-latest.xml : DBMS Precondition failed: expected mysql, got mariadb

Also, is this probably related to the issue above?

liquibase.changelog.null modifyDataType will lose primary key/autoincrement/not null settings for mysql.  Use <sql> and re-specify all configuration if this is the case

Another one:

liquibase-update-to-latest.xml : Table openmrs.concept_map does not exist

I am not sure if MariaDB is not supported as an RDBMS in OpenMRS (The DB check passed when I installed 2.6.1 back in September 2023.) Can I manually create the question tables in the back-end, if that is supported?

Mariadb is fully supported. Do you mind sharing the full server side log via pastebin.com?

Catalina (current date) log file: OpenMRS 2 upgrade issue involving MariaDB (catalina.log) - Pastebin.com Localhost (current date) log file: OpenMRS 2 upgrade issue involving MariaDB (localhost.log) - Pastebin.com

Catalina.out file: OpenMRS 2 upgrade issue involving MariaDB (catalina.out) - Pastebin.com

I tried running the in-place upgrade twice. The second run had more significant logs.

I have just installed a fresh instance of OpenMRS Core version 2.6.1 and connected it to a mariadb:10.6 docker container. Then did an upgrade of OpenMRS Core to version 2.6.14 but never got that error.

How are you running OpenMRS? Which exact version of Java are you running? Are you still getting the same error even for OpenMRS Core version 2.6.15?

We are running OpenMRS on Tomcat 9 and Java 11 as the foundational core.

I haven’t tried upgrading using OpenMRS Core 2.6.15 yet, but I will try in the coming days.