@dkayiwa i did fresh setup in another machine and succeed to install the version 2.1.0 but still “the pages are not available” it seems that all the versions on OpenMRS Add Ons they do not have that pages . Is it possible to get cohort omod file version that has the pages?
In that case you would need to compile it from source using any tag that has what you are looking for.
The only source that i got is here GitHub - opensrp/openmrs-module-cohort version 2.0.0 but when i upload the module here is what it displays
The server log: Sep 07, 2022 11:58:35 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext logINFO: - Pastebin.com
@ornella we at UgandaEMR are using Cohort Module 2.2.1. we settled with this version because it was stable. You could try it out. We interact with the module’s rest api only not the UI.
ok i see but i need the UI. Please is there any other module that i can use to check if a patient is register in another program? kind help please, since i cannot use UI of the cohort module can you advise me another module.
From what i understand, The cohort module does not provide such. If you have a constraint such a member can only exist in one group at a time, please consider using ProgramWorkFlow states. However for more insight on the Cohort Module I think @corneliouzbett can help
FWIK there are two versions of the cohort module; 2.x
and 3.x
- a simplified version with only fewer features than before. From the above chats, you are interested in the old 2.x
version which you can find here → GitHub - openmrs/openmrs-module-cohort at 2.2.0-pre
Unfortunately cohort module doesn’t provide that kind of functionality. As @dbaluku said, I would recommend you look into program workflows → OpenMRS Docs
ok thank you