Run this command: mvn openmrs-sdk:run --log-file newlogfilename.txt
Use the browser to log in the openmrs webapp for this sdk instance. Then attach the newlogfilename.txt
Run this command: mvn openmrs-sdk:run --log-file newlogfilename.txt
Use the browser to log in the openmrs webapp for this sdk instance. Then attach the newlogfilename.txt
@dkayiwa sorry but i do not know how to attach that file if you can guide me please
Which version of java are you running?
java “1.8.0_342”
What does this command return? mvn -v
Here is what it returns: Apache Maven 3.6.0 Maven home: /usr/share/maven Java version: 1.8.0_342, vendor: Private Build, runtime: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: “linux”, version: “5.4.0-122-generic”, arch: “amd64”, family: “unix”
Copy the log file contents into pastebin and send the link.
Here is the log file contents from “newlogfilename.txt” [INFO] Scanning for projects...[INFO][INFO] ------------------< org.apache.m -
Restart your computer and run the command again. Then share the new log.
ok here is what i get: [INFO] Scanning for projects...[INFO][INFO] ------------------< org.apache -
@dkayiwa i do not know if this can help: i see this warning when i click on the module example cohort dashboard
WARN - DispatcherServlet.noHandlerFound(1251) |2022-08-18T12:42:53,416| No mapping for GET /openmrs/module/cohort/cohortDashboard.form
And when i access the path /root/openmrs/server/tmp/openmrs/WEB-INF/view/module, i see all the module that i installed except the cohort module
i download the cohort module version 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT on github here: openmrs-module-cohort/omod/src/main at master · openmrs/openmrs-module-cohort · GitHub and when i check inside the omod folder i do not see any folder with the webapp. Kindly have a look on this module. I really need to make it work.
@dkayiwa,@ruhanga did you have a look on the module version 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT on openmrs-module-cohort/omod/src/main at master · openmrs/openmrs-module-cohort · GitHub ? did anyone try to install the module and click on the link “cohort dashboard”,“cohort patient search”, “cohort search” without getting any error page.
@grace i installed cohort module 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT on GitHub - openmrs/openmrs-module-cohort: An enhanced Cohort data model and API. When i click on the module “cohort dashboard” example, i cannot access
Here is the warning that i get: WARN - DispatcherServlet.noHandlerFound(1251) |2022-08-30T17:18:07,245| No mapping for GET /openmrs/module/cohort/cohortDashboard.form
here is the log: java.lang.IllegalStateException: App 'referenceapplication.registerPatient.myreg -
The implementation of those links was removed with this commit: Merge pull request #19 from Fatmali/master · openmrs/openmrs-module-cohort@7d6147d · GitHub which means that the module is providing mostly REST API access.
@dkayiwa i get also the same message when i install omod file from OpenMRS Add Ons. I think the problem may be the module.
The versions that you see listed there were released after the above commit. Therefore they do not have any implementation to support those links.
please tell me @dkayiwa do do we have another version that i can install in order to use the module?If not it means from now we can not use the cohort module?
If you want those pages, you can use an older version, like 2.1.2, that had them.
Ok thank you, I installed the cohort-module version 2.1.0 from OpenMRS Add Ons i get the error “liquibase.xml::cohortattritype1065::sharon was: 8:7e8d21d7716deb36429dafaa23d3d685 but is now: 8:f466c3b8003270fde6acc75dcae80841”
Here is the server log: INFO - EhCacheManagerFactoryBean.destroy(192) |2022-09-05T09:13:48,944| Shutting - kindly if you may have a look. Thank you
Drop the database, delete the runtime properties file, and do a fresh setup.