Unable to start OpenMRS

Openmrs standalone Java 8

Hey guys, I am having the following issue while running openmrs standalone. When running with java 7 I am not even able to open the jar file, I get “A Java Exception has Occured” error.

Suggestions are welcome.

This one requires Java 8

I do have Java 8 installed and the above error I am getting is with Java 8. I have posted mine current config at the top. Thank you.

Can you check the tomcat/logs folder for the log file and paste its contents at pastebin.com?


Download the legacyui module from here https://modules.openmrs.org/#/show/231/legacy-ui-module and paste it in the standalone’s “appdata/modules” folder. Then restart the standalone.

Just did it but getting the same error. Thank you.

I also tried to run openmrs standalone 2.5 but facing the exact same issue.

Which modules do you have in that folder?

There was none, the one you told to copy was the first one. (Openmrs standalone

But in case of Openmrs standalone 2.5 there were lots.

Stop the standalone, delete the logs folder, restart the standalone with only the legacyui module in the modules folder and past the log contents at pastebin.com


Just in case some files are corrupted. Can you delete your unzipped standalone folder, then unzip it again and test?

This is the log file from the fresh unzipped standalone with just the legacyui module inside. Thank you. http://pastebin.com/44C3FMBP

This does not look like all in the log file.

Sorry for that. Here’s the complete log. 2017-2-22.txt (1.3 MB)

Thank you so much.

I got “You have exceeded the maximum paste size of 512 kilobytes per paste. PRO users don’t have this limit!” in pastebin. So I had to upload the actual log right here.

This looks like something to do with the path with spaces problem. Try copy the “openmrs-standalone-” folder and paste it directly on drive C. Then run the standalone again and tell us what happens.

Alternatively, just remove spaces from the folders where the standalone was extracted.

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Running the standalone which been pasted directly to the C drive did the job. Thank you so much for your guidance.