Unable to overridePrimary Patient Identifier

Does that mean you are not able to create the patient on that server? https://uat-refapp.openmrs.org/openmrs/registrationapp/registerPatient.page?appId=referenceapplication.registrationapp.registerPatient

Yes exactly. I still get the same error.

I just created a patient on that server without any errors. Am i missing something?

Sorry just got back to my office.

It seems that the changes I have made are gone in the Patient Identifier admin. Are you available now to test it? Or any time later? I can apply the changes and you try as well.

Yes am available.

OK thanks! I will do the changes now and let you know when they are done.

OK I have done the changes and check registration. I’m not able to register a new patient:

Validation errors found: Select a preferred identifier

What are the exact changes that you made on this server?

  1. On https://uat-refapp.openmrs.org/openmrs/admin/patients/patientIdentifierType.form?patientIdentifierTypeId=3:

    • Identifier validator to none
  2. On https://uat-refapp.openmrs.org/openmrs/module/idgen/manageIdentifierSources.list:

    • Add a new source for OpenMRS ID of type Local Pool of Identifiers with the name: Generator for ELWA ID
  3. On https://uat-refapp.openmrs.org/openmrs/module/idgen/viewIdentifierSource.form?source=2

    • Upload a file with the following content:


  4. On https://uat-refapp.openmrs.org/openmrs/module/idgen/editAutoGenerationOption.form?autoGenerationOption=1

    • Change the Source to Auto-generate to Generator for ELWA ID

Can you attach the exact file of identifiers that you used to upload?

Thank you very much Daniel for the follow up!

Here is the file:

ELWA_ID_pool.txt (163 Bytes)

Hey Daniel,

Did you have a change to look at the problem? Do you know if the problem is coming from a wrong configuration on my side or if is a code issue?

I was wondering if the problem would still arise if I allow the manual override of the primary identifier in the registration app. However the documentation is a bit short on this:


Could anyone help me with this ?


I have noted that for those changes to take effect, you need to restart OpenMRS. Can you do so?

Yes, it worked. Everything is working fine now.

Thank you very much for your help. Highly appreciated!