Unable to Login in Android Client

I am trying to login in Openmrs Android Client using the account that i have created on https://id.openmrs.org/. I am starting contribution in Android client. Is there anything that i should know.

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Hello @shubhanshu156 Firstly, I appreciate your interest in the Android Client and your willingness to contribute to its development.

About the login issue, that’s a known issue for the Android client. It has occurred due to the recent changes in the Rest API. I am currently working on it and will soon raise a PR for the same.

In the meantime please check the Demo App of OpenMRS. You can also try to implement the Android SDK to your own app. It will definitely give you some insights which will be a great help for you to contribute.

Should you have any further questions or encounter any other difficulties, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help!

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Sure @elonshubham thank you for your support

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@elonshubham has the issue been resolved? I’m still experiencing it

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Yes it’s resolved. You can pull the changes from my latest PR HERE

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