Unable to Fetch Locations Error -- on installing Bahmni

@gsluthra @michael. The vagrant box was running on Windows. OpenMRS was accessible without any glitch. But, when Bahmni is accessed, it was properly downloading all the static resources directly served by the apache server. But, all the proxied openmrs calls to OpenMRS were failing.

It was because, SELinux was enabled in the vagrant CentOS box. It denied permission to apache to connect to ‘’ (OpenMRS).

The solution was to allow apache to connect to network. It was done by running the command ‘setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect true

NOTE: If you are still not able to access Bahmni properly, you can try removing OpenMRS cache folder.

  1. Stop OpenMRS service using ‘service openmrs stop’.

  2. Run ‘*rm -rf /tmp/openmrs-lib-cache’ and ‘rm -rf /opt/openmrs/run/work/tomcat’ to remove cache folders.

  3. Start OpenMRS service using ‘service openmrs start

  4. Open Bahmni in a new browser tab.