Unable to build and package OWA

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to build OWA app for which I have set up server with the OpenMRS Reference Application (2.6.1) distribution installed. For creating OWA app, I have followed the instructions here https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Open+Web+App+Development+Workflow. I was successfully able to create OWA with the help of Yeoman generator but when I try to build it via webpack by executing npm run build:prod, it doesn’t create a zip file in dist folder. It stucks at a point as it can be seen below:

D:\git_repository\openmrs-owa-commonlab>npm run build:prod

> commonlab@0.1.0 build:prod D:\git_repository\openmrs-owa-commonlab
> npm run test && npm run build

> commonlab@0.1.0 test D:\git_repository\openmrs-owa-commonlab
> karma start --singleRun=true 

  14 06 2019 15:59:58.274:INFO [karma]: Karma v1.7.1 server started at

Can anyone please help me what I might be doing wrong?

On side note, I tried OWA React example mentioned on this talk post ReactJS OWA example and I was able to build following the Read me.


@darius @dkayiwa

I’m still stuck on this. Any help would be highly appreciated.


Do you have it on github for us to check out and try building?