Unable to add existing Patient (eg., Kenneth Carter in Demo Data) as OpenMRS User

Hi, I am trying to play around with the OpenMRS Platform. One of my use case is to login as patient and view how the UI looks like after login.

For login as Patient, I am trying to create an existing Patient as a new users as follows:

  1. Legacy Admin screen → “Manage Users → Add User → Use a person who already exists”. Then, in the “Which person?” edit box, I entered ‘Kenneth’ and selected “10001C6 Kenneth Carter” from the drop down.
  2. Then provided the username and password fields, selected some roles.
  3. Pressed “Save User” button
  4. Now the following error occurs and the user creation fails: Please fix all errors and try again. Address Template is invalid.

When looking at the Network logs in browser, I could see that “http://localhost:8081/openmrs/admin/users/user.form” fails with a 400 Bad Request response.

NOTE: OpenMRS Platform installed locally: V2.6.12 (Build ad24d7d).

When I inspected at the database, I could see that the “person_id” for patient Kenneth Carter is 48 and valid address fields are also present in the corresponding DB tables for that patient.

Can you please check why is this error getting thrown? Also, provide some guidance on how to get past this issue.

Switch to version 2.6.14 of the OpenMRS Platform.

Thanks @dkayiwa.

Switching to platform version 2.6.14 worked. Now, I could create a new user with the existing patient and login using the created user account. But, the UI after that doesn’t seem to work based on the logged-in user. The issue might be due to the incorrect privileges that I might have set for the new user. Can you please point me to some documentation or links that details the privileges that I need to set for the Patient user.

NOTE: The use case here is that when logging in as Patient, the Patient dashboard should be accessible for the user so that he can view all his own information like Vitals, Biometrics, Visits, Immunizations, Appointments etc.,.

Also, he should be able to create / edit his own appointment based on doctor’s availability at the new /edited appointment time. Is this use case possible?

We have not implemented the use case where patients see their own data. Our current implementation is about the health provider or administrator seeing patient data.

Adding a patient-facing portal has been of lower priority because our main target has been low-resource settings, where the number of patients who would be able to access their own records is small.

But that being said, there have been attempts at this, which have not gained traction, as you can see here: https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Archives/pages/25520901/PHR+Module

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Thanks @dkayiwa for the detailed reply. Based on your reply, I could understand that PHR module’s development is not completed yet and there are no concrete plans for taking it to completion. Please confirm.

No plans that i am aware of. But feel free to take it up.

OK @dkayiwa. Thanks.