UI Interface as Demo env

Hello Team,

I have installed the OpenMRS Version: 2.3.2 Build 437b7f using WAR deployment on Redhat. But when I tried out the Demo system provided by OpenMRS (OpenMRS Demo | OpenMRS), its UI is totally different than what I have installed.

It would be really appreciated if can provide a guide to get it same UI in the demo.

I have attached the UI of I have installed.

could this be usfull to you User Interface Modules - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki

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@malithwee also feel free to share the screen shot of the UI that you are getting that is different from (OpenMRS Demo | OpenMRS )

Thanks for the replying on my topic. Here is the screenshot of my UI

Thanks. I’ll check on this.

Have using legacy UI with manually compiled one. but that UI and the Demo System’s UI is totally different.

@malithwee this means that you are running your openmrs platform with the legacy ui only …

What you see with the demo is an another ui layer called the reference application on top ,you can read about it here

So can add a couple of modules that will give you the reff app UI

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and the link is User Interface Modules - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki @malithwee

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i have the same issue , i just installed openmrs sdk using maven on ubunto and i get the same empty interface , i searched the modules folder and it has a legacyui.omod how can i get the interface in the demo openmrs