Trouble in releasing module to bintray


I’m trying to publish my module on bintray, following the wiki guideline. Here is the list of precise steps I took:

  1. Created an account on bintray (signed up via Github username seekme94)
  2. On bintray’s portal, I created a new maven repository with name “maven”. Here
  3. I added SCM and Distribution sections to module’s parent pom.xml
  4. The settings.xml file in my .m2 folder looks like this. I only added server section and added bintray active profile.
  5. Next, on terminal, I executed: mvn clean install release:prepare. Build, test and prepare were all successful.
  6. But the final step, mvn release:perform failed with this trace.

I’ve tried providing both password and API key in the settings file for no avail. Can someone have a look?

AFAIK, you should create a package inside your maven repository as “openmrs-module-commonlabtest” to publish the module there. Can you manually create it under your maven repository, and try again?

Thanks @suthagar23. Actually I was looking into publishing via maven.

Had success finally. I was supposed to create a new package, as @suthagar23 mentioned.