Tomcat Error: Output stream closed - can't load dashboard


Hello @ibacher, @dkayiwa, @samuel34,

After deploying the micro-frontends in Tomcat, I can’t go past the login page as I keep getting the Error:

ERROR - GZIPResponseWrapper.finishResponse(60) |2022-11-06 22:38:07,815| Error during closing writer or stream This output stream has already been closed at org.openmrs.web.filter.GZIPResponseStream.close( at org.openmrs.web.filter.GZIPResponseWrapper.finishResponse( at org.openmrs.module.xforms.web.XformsFilter.doFilter( at org.openmrs.module.web.filter.ModuleFilterChain.doFilter( at org.openmrs.module.web.filter.ModuleFilter.doFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( at org.openmrs.web.filter.OpenmrsFilter.doFilterInternal(

See full log here:

Similar error here but not exactly:


Which OpenMRS platform version are you running?

@dkayiwa it is OpenMRS Version: 2.3.2 Build 437b7f

That was fixed in OpenMRS platform 2.4.0


Thank you @dkayiwa for the update

@amugume & @dkayiwa do you think this means that implementers will be required to have Platform version 2.4.0+ in order to use OHRI? Or even O3 in general?

Or was this triggered by a specific, semi-unusual use case…?

Reason I’m asking is that my understanding until now has been that folks only need Platform 2.1+ in order to use O3 (though we recommend >2.3)

Looking at the commits, i have just noticed that it was also applied to the 2.3.x branch and released in platform version 2.3.3. I have added this fix version to the JIRA ticket. Does this automatically fit in our recommendation? :slight_smile:

That being said, the fix was was so simple that we can easily back port it all the way to the platform 2.1.x branch.

Probably. Some interesting details can be found on this ticket: