Timeout error - Cable not connected?

Windows 10. VirtualBox 5.0.28. The download, booting etc happened properly and kept on getting timeout error as shown. It turned out that in Virtual Box->Bahmni-RPM->Settings->Network->Adapter 1->Advanced->Cable Connected check box was unchecked. Once I checked that and again did vagrant halt and vagrant up everything started working fine.

Please check if any of the solutions mentioned in this thread help.

@sravanthi17 thanks for the reply, but if you notice I posted the solution also as I struggled to overcome it and finally solved selecting “Cable connected” checkbox for Adapter 1.

@sravanthi17 Also consider keeping the information about Virtual Box->Bahmni-RPM->Settings->Network->Adapter 1->Advanced->Cable Connected check box selection in case of network timeout and the related thread on on https://bahmni.atlassian.net/wiki/display/BAH/Vagrant+and+VirtualBox+tips So that it will be easier for people who may have installation issues.

@ramashish : thanks :slight_smile: Here is the documentation