Tests in error: Normal Vitals(Vitals Management)

Hey devs! Having endured hardships on a windows platfrom, i decided to shift to a ubuntu distro. However i run into a blocker when i run npm run refapp2VitalsAndTriaging against the openmrs-contrib-qaframework. contrib & distro build successfully.

FYI: 3 tests run and its only 1 that fails and this is evident in the firefox browser as the tests are triggered upto the step of saving the patient’s vitals, that is where it breaks. part of the error is Here !!!.

cc: @kdaud , @sharif

I recently resolved windows os configuration in RATEST-198 after testing the changes on a real windows environment on windows 7 and as well 10. Though the PR has not been merged so those configurations are not yest in master branch. cc: @dkayiwa

Which server instance are you spinning from ?

wonderful, hopefully when it is merged those comfortable on the windows platform are catered for too

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Running tests vai an online instance usually comes with some costs and issues especially when your connection is not all well, so you need to change the webUrl value to point to your local instance and things should work pretty well.

@mherman22 would be glad to hearing your experience when spinning against a local instance otherwise an online instance requires a stable connection to get a good report on a test.

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my local instance is running at http://localhost:8081/openmrs-standalone/login.htm and i changed my test.properties file in the webapp.url section to http://localhost:8081/openmrs-standalone/ so as to spin against the local instance as advised. However i hit this snag in the browser–> ```

HTTP Status 404 - /openmrs-standalone/openmrs;jsessionid=50E8356C0290140D9B8E5B56E419F63B

type Status report

message /openmrs-standalone/openmrs;jsessionid=1F006AF7EC0E36BC80DCC313866EF1C3

description The requested resource is not available.

Apache Tomcat/7.0.50

however the build is successful now that i spin from https://qa-refapp.openmrs.org/openmrs. thanks for your eneavours @kdaud , however this is a start. point me in the right direction

Awesome !:grinning:!

RATEST-206 should be interesting to work on and find more interesting issues ready for work on our QA-Kanban-Board

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Hello @kdaud @mherman22 , is this working on windows or ubuntu.Just want confirm since @mherman22 responded to have migrated to ubuntu Os

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It is successful on ubuntu

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