tests failing in core on Windows

As I said before, I’m running a Mac, so I can’t reproduce the issue locally :slight_smile:. I was simply pointing out that we do seem to be leaving other test-related detritus around.

ah, sorry missed that post.

That is yet another story. Did not know we do that. The issue we are seeing on Windows is that JUnit 5 @TempDir cannot remove the temp dir since some things in our code are still holding on to the files created in these temp dirs. These JUnit temp dirs are not the ones you listed.

@gcliff can you please try my suggestion since I and Ian cannot reproduce your error. You will need to pull the latest changes and remove the @DisabledOn on these 2 failing tests.

Anyone out there developing on Windows that can try the above? I tried all kinds of things to install a Windows VM/container on my machine but failed so far. I cannot reproduce the error @gcliff is seeing on Windows and thus not test if my change fixed it. Thanks a lot!

Good news is I can reproduce what @gcliff is seeing using GitHub actions in openmrs-core :smile: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-core/pull/3380/checks#step:4:1935 Bad news is I did not fix the issue with my latest changes to the test :frowning:

Bright side is we can keep the tests disabled on master on Windows so devs on Windows can work. Meanwhile we can work on a branch like https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-core/pull/3380 where we enable them, make changes and they will be tested on Windows :ok_hand:

Reproducibility is the first step :sweat_smile:

hello @teleivo @ibacher sorry for the delayed response ,i have been offline for the last 24 hours because it was Sabbath . :pray:

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YES ,windows 7

no worries! I figured out a way to reproduce it :slight_smile:

no the question is only how to solve it :thinking:

thats great ,am doing a build now and going to be sharing soon


unless you changed something, I do not expect it to be different. Since I can now see the error you are seeing when you run these 2 tests on Windows.

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I can only make the tests pass on Windows if I close the FileInputStream we put into the obs ComplexData.data

changes and see passing tests on Windows GitHub check on Windows

That is obviously not a fix because it means that after doing handler.getObs(obs1, "RAW_VIEW").getComplexData().getData() the FileInputStream is already closed an cannot be read.

Can someone explain to me why closing the streams in the test at https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-core/pull/3380/commits/a4c7c897cba198146cdf2af0c0182d60ab061351#diff-1dfc7fecf17fefaff8bfde15c13b002bR113-R114 does not actually make the test pass? I did try to close it before and then on these lines I got, Stream is closed Exception.

Is it something super obvious that I am not seeing because I am tired :sweat_smile: I am unsure about this API. The data is of type Object how does anyone know that it is a stream or when it is a stream? What type of stream? And that its already open? And that one should make sure to close it.

What are our options? Any ideas. I am not sure what to do with these tests or the behaviour. I do think the JUnit 5 implementation of @TempDir seems more strict, which is good as it can uncover such things.

cc @dkayiwa @wyclif @mseaton @ibacher kindly requesting for your thoughts on this …


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Can you create a ticket for it?

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cool: https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/TRUNK-5876