Tasks to support work happening at HGU, Sri Lanka

@dkayiwa @surangak

I have noticed that When I rerun the openmrs standalone jar, it reloads the files in the modules folder so anything I have edited will be lost and a fresh copy would be loaded.

Then I edit the gsp files which are inside the pages folder of htmlformentryui and save it. Does this change affect the openmrs web app???

When I edit the htmlFormEntry.jsp file in htmlform folder it is reflected in the web app.

Is it same for the gsp files??

I am curious to know this, because what ever libraries I add to the gsp file are not shown on the page( checked via developer tools).

If this does not work, I will have to add the reference to the source and then build the module guess.

Please give me some guidance here. Thank you.

@mogoodrich last two posts relates to the problem I have( after you read lets create a new thread). Please give me some help on this. Thank you